Kayla Hall
Housekeeper, Kayla Hall, grew up in Vacaville, California. During the many warm summer days, Kayla would spend time with her family in their pool. Her favorite memories of her childhood are of her first trip to Disneyland and their annual trip to Santa Cruz where they would spend time on the boardwalk. Her mom and brothers are still very involved in her life, and her two dogs, Lola and Dayla, also provide lots of love
Her position at Bennington Properties has been her first job, and since accepting the position in 2017, she has grown to take pride in her cleaning ability, both professionally and personally. She has gained a greater sense of independence as well and was able to move into an apartment with her dogs. When she isn’t working, Kayla enjoys hiking or floating the river in the summer and, in the colder months, she enjoys sledding and snowball fights. Year-round, her perfect day consists of watching the rain, wrapped in a cozy blanket with her dogs and a warm drink. If you are traveling to Central Oregon, Kayla recommends exploring the lava caves and hiking to waterfalls.